Support Innovation in Canadian Agriculture

Have your voice heard.

On March 25, 2021, the Government of Canada opened a public consultation on new regulatory guidance for novel food focused on plant breeding. The policy revisions proposed through this consultation will have a significant impact on what innovations, such as gene edited crops, come to market in Canada.

Many of Canada’s global competitors have moved towards clear and predictable science-based approaches to the regulation of plant breeding, including gene edited crops, and Canada needs to do the same so that farmers here are not left behind their competitors.

As we collectively face significant global challenges around food security and climate change, innovations like gene edited crops can help farmers adapt to changing climate conditions and pest pressures while continuing to grow safe, high quality food for Canadians and consumers around the world.

You can support innovation in Canadian agriculture in a few easy clicks by submitting a letter to the consultation. Every voice counts!

Submit a Letter

There have been more than 400 emails of support sent from members of the agriculture community like you. Help to keep the momentum going by sending a letter and forwarding this email to a friend or colleague to get them involved. You can also share a link to the letter writing initiative on social media.

Together, we can be a strong voice for innovation in Canadian agriculture.

Support Innovation in Canadian Agriculture

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